Source code for dplib.server

# DPLib - Asynchronous bot framework for Digital Paint: Paintball 2 servers
# Copyright (C) 2017  Michał Rokita
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import re
import select
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum
from subprocess import Popen
import asyncio
import os
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM
from time import time

from dplib.parse import render_text, decode_ingame_text

[docs]class GameMode(Enum): CTF = 'CTF' ONE_FLAG = '1Flag' ELIMINATION = 'Elim' DEATHMATCH = 'DM' SIEGE = 'Siege' TDM = 'TDM' KOTH = 'KOTH' PONG = 'Pong'
[docs]class BadRconPasswordError(Exception): pass
[docs]class SecurityCheckError(Exception): pass
[docs]class MapNotFoundError(Exception): pass
[docs]class ListenerType(Enum): PERMANENT = 0 TRIGGER_ONCE = 1
REGEXPS = OrderedDict([ (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] (?:(?:\\[OBS\\] )|(?:\\[ELIM\\] ))?(.*?): (.*?)\r?\n'), ServerEvent.CHAT), # [19:54:18] hTml: test (re.compile( '^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] \\*(.*?) (?:\\((.*?)\\) eliminated \\*(.*?) \\((.*?)\\)\\.\r?\n|' 'eliminated ((?:himself)|(?:herself)) with a paintgren\\.\r?\n)'), ServerEvent.ELIM), # [18:54:24] *|ACEBot_1| (Spyder SE) eliminated *|herself| (Spyder SE). # [12:25:44] *whoa eliminated herself with a paintgren. # [12:26:09] *whoa eliminated himself with a paintgren. (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] \\*(.*?)\\\'s (.*?) revived!\r?\n'), ServerEvent.RESPAWN), # [19:03:57] *Red's ACEBot_6 revived! (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] (.*?) entered the game \\((.*?)\\) \\[(.*?)\\]\r?\n'), ServerEvent.ENTRANCE), # [19:03:57] mRokita entered the game (build 41) (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] \\*(.*?)\\\'s (.*?) returned the(?: \\*(.*?))? flag!\r?\n'), ServerEvent.FLAG_CAPTURED), # [18:54:24] *Red's hTml returned the *Blue flag! (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] \\*(.*?)\\\'s (.*?) earned (\d+) points for possesion of eliminated teams flag!\r?\n'), ServerEvent.ELIM_TEAMS_FLAG), # [19:30:23] *Blue's mRokita earned 3 points for possesion of eliminated teams flag! (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] Round started\\.\\.\\.\r?\n'), ServerEvent.ROUND_STARTED), # [10:20:11] Round started... (re.compile( '(?:^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] (.*?) switched from \\*((?:Red)|(?:Purple)|(?:Blue)|(?:Yellow))' ' to \\*((?:Red)|(?:Purple)|(?:Blue)|(?:Yellow))\\.\r?\n)|' '(?:^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] (.*?) joined the \\*((?:Red)|(?:Purple)|(?:Blue)|(?:Yellow)) team\\.\r?\n)|' '(?:^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] (.*?) is now (observing)?\\.\r?\n)'), ServerEvent.TEAM_SWITCHED), # [10:20:11] mRokita switched from Blue to Red. # [10:20:11] mRokita is now observing. # [10:20:11] mRokita is now observing. (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] [\t|-]{2}GameEnd[\t-](.*?)\r?\n'), ServerEvent.GAME_END), # [22:40:33] GameEnd 441.9 No winner # [22:40:33] GameEnd 1032.6 Red:23,Blue:22 # [22:40:33] GameEnd 4.9 DPBot01 wins! # [22:40:33] GameEnd 42.9 Yellow:5,Blue:0,Purple:0,Red:0 # [22:40:33] GameEnd 42.9 Yellow:5,Blue:12,Purple:7 (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] == Map Loaded: (.+) ==\r?\n'), ServerEvent.MAPCHANGE), # [10:20:11] == Map Loaded: airtime == (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] (.*?) changed name to (.*?)\\.\r?\n'), ServerEvent.NAMECHANGE), # [19:54:54] name1 changed name to name2. (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] (.*?) disconnected\\.\r?\n'), ServerEvent.DISCONNECT), # [19:03:57] whoa disconnected. (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] \\*(.*?) got the(?: \\*(.*?))? flag\\!\r?\n'), ServerEvent.FLAG_GRAB), # [19:03:57] *whoa got the *Red flag! (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] \\*(.*?) dropped the flag\\!\r?\n'), ServerEvent.FLAG_DROP), # [19:03:57] *whoa dropped the flag! (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] (.*?) team wins the round\\!\r?\n'), ServerEvent.ROUND_END), # [14:38:50] Blue team wins the round! (re.compile('^\\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\\] === ((?:Deathmatch)|(?:Team Flag CTF)|(?:Single Flag CTF)|(?:Team Siege)|(?:Team Elim)|(?:Team Siege)|(?:Team Deathmatch)|(?:Team KOTH)|(?:Pong)) ===\r?\n'), ServerEvent.GAMEMODE), # [09:58:11] === Team Flag CTF === # [13:16:19] === Team Siege === # [21:53:54] === Pong === # [12:21:05] === Deathmatch === ])
[docs]class Player(object): """ Player info from sv players command :Attributes: * dplogin - account id, None when Player has no account * nick - nickname: * build - game build * server - an instance of :class:`Server` """ def __init__(self, server, id, dplogin, nick, build): self.server = server = id self.dplogin = dplogin self.nick = nick = build
[docs]class Server(object): """ Represents a DP:PB2 server :param hostname: Server hostname, for example '' :type hostname: str :param port: Server port, default 27910 :type port: int :param logfile: Path to logfile :param rcon_password: rcon password :param pty_master: Master of the dp2 process (Linux only, useful only if you want to run the server from your Python script). Go to the getting started section for details. :type pty_master: int :param init_vars: Send come commands used for security """ def __init__(self, hostname, port=27910, logfile=None, rcon_password=None, pty_master=None, init_vars=True): self.__rcon_password = rcon_password self.__hostname = hostname self.__init_vars = init_vars self.__port = port self.__log_file = None self.__is_secure = False self.__alive = False self.__logfile_name = logfile if not pty_master else None self.__pty_master = pty_master self.handlers = { ServerEvent.CHAT: 'on_chat', ServerEvent.ELIM: 'on_elim', ServerEvent.RESPAWN: 'on_respawn', ServerEvent.ENTRANCE: 'on_entrance', ServerEvent.FLAG_CAPTURED: 'on_flag_captured', ServerEvent.ELIM_TEAMS_FLAG: 'on_elim_teams_flag', ServerEvent.ROUND_STARTED: 'on_round_started', ServerEvent.TEAM_SWITCHED: 'on_team_switched', ServerEvent.GAME_END: 'on_game_end', ServerEvent.MAPCHANGE: 'on_mapchange', ServerEvent.NAMECHANGE: 'on_namechange', ServerEvent.DISCONNECT: 'on_disconnect', ServerEvent.FLAG_GRAB: 'on_flag_grab', ServerEvent.FLAG_DROP: 'on_flag_drop', ServerEvent.ROUND_END: 'on_round_end', ServerEvent.GAMEMODE: 'gamemode', } self.__listeners = { ServerEvent.CHAT: [], ServerEvent.ELIM: [], ServerEvent.RESPAWN: [], ServerEvent.ENTRANCE: [], ServerEvent.FLAG_CAPTURED: [], ServerEvent.ELIM_TEAMS_FLAG: [], ServerEvent.ROUND_STARTED: [], ServerEvent.TEAM_SWITCHED: [], ServerEvent.GAME_END: [], ServerEvent.MAPCHANGE: [], ServerEvent.NAMECHANGE: [], ServerEvent.DISCONNECT: [], ServerEvent.FLAG_GRAB: [], ServerEvent.FLAG_DROP: [], ServerEvent.ROUND_END: [], ServerEvent.GAMEMODE: [], } self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
[docs] def is_listening(self): """ Check if the main loop is running. :rtype: bool """ return self.__alive
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_chat(self, nick, message): """ On chat, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param nick: Player's nick. :type nick: str :param message: Message. :type message: str """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_flag_captured(self, team, nick, flag): """ On flag captured, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param team: Player's team. :type team: str :param nick: Player's nick. :type nick: str :param flag: Captured flag (Blue|Red|Yellow|Purple|White) :type flag: str """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_team_switched(self, nick, old_team, new_team): """ On team switched, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param nick: Player's nick :type nick: str :param old_team: Old team (Blue|Red|Yellow|Purple|Observer) :type old_team: str :param new_team: New team (Blue|Red|Yellow|Purple|Observer) :type new_team: str """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_round_started(self): """ On round started, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_elim_teams_flag(self, team, nick, points): """ On scored points for possession of eliminated teams flag, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param team: Player's team. :type team: str :param nick: Player's nick. :type nick: str :param points: Points earned. :type points: int """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_entrance(self, nick, build, addr): """ On entrance, can be overriden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param nick: Player's nick :type nick: str :param build: Player's game version ('build 41' for example :type build: str :param addr: Player's address, IP:PORT ('' for example) :type addr: str """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_game_end(self, score_blue, score_red, score_yellow, score_purple): """ On game end, can be overriden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param score_blue: Blue's score - None if there was no Blue team. :param score_red: Red's score - None if there was no Red team. :param score_yellow: Yellow's score - None if there was no Yellow team. :param score_purple: Purple's score - None if there was no Purple team. """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_elim(self, killer_nick, killer_weapon, victim_nick, victim_weapon, suicide): """ On elim can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param killer_nick: Killer's nick :type killer_nick: str :param killer_weapon: Killer's weapon :type killer_weapon: str :param victim_nick: Victim's nick :type victim_nick: str :param victim_weapon: Victim's weapon :type victim_weapon: str """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_respawn(self, team, nick): """ On respawn, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param team: Player's team (Blue|Red|Yellow|Purple) :type team: str :param nick: Player's nick :type nick: str """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_mapchange(self, mapname): """ On mapcange, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param mapname: Mapname :type mapname: str """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_namechange(self, old_nick, new_nick): """ On name change, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param old_nick: Old nick :type old_nick: str :param new_nick: Old nick :type new_nick: str """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_disconnect(self, nick): """ On disconnect, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event`decorator. :param nick: Disconnected player's nick :type nick: str """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_flag_grab(self, nick, flag): """ On flag grab, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param nick: Player's nick :type nick: str :param team: Flag color (Blue|Red|Yellow|Purple) :type team: str """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_flag_drop(self, nick): """ On flag grab, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param nick: Player's nick :type nick: str :param team: Flag color (Blue|Red|Yellow|Purple) :type team: str """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def on_round_end(self): """ Onround end, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. """ pass
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def gamemode(self, gamemode): """ Onround end, can be overridden using the :func:`.Server.event` decorator. :param gamemode: map's gamemode :type gamemode: str """ pass
[docs] def event(self, func): """ Decorator, used for event registration. :param func: function to register :rtype: builtin_function_or_method :example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> from dplib.server import Server >>> s = Server(hostname='', port=27910, logfile=r'qconsole27910.log', rcon_password='hello') >>> @s.event ... def on_chat(nick, message): ... print((nick, message)) ... >>> ('mRokita', 'Hi') """ if func.__name__ in self.handlers.values(): setattr(self, func.__name__, asyncio.coroutine(func)) return func else: raise Exception('Event \'%s\' doesn\'t exist' % func.__name__)
[docs] def stop_listening(self): """ Stop the main loop """ self.__alive = False
def __perform_listeners(self, event_type, args, kwargs): """ Performs all pending listeners. :param event_type: Event type, one of members :class:`ServerEvent` :param args: Event info :type args: tuple :param kwargs: Event info :type kwargs: dict """ to_remove = list() for i, (check, future) in enumerate(self.__listeners[event_type]): if not future.cancelled() and not future.done(): if check(*args): future.set_result(kwargs) else: to_remove.append(i) for i in reversed(to_remove): self.__listeners[event_type].pop(i)
[docs] def nicks_valid(self, *nicks): nicks_ingame = [p.nick for p in self.get_players()] for nick in nicks: if nick not in nicks_ingame: return False return True
@asyncio.coroutine def __handle_event(self, event_type, args): """ Handles an event. :param event_type: Event type, one of members :class:`ServerEvent` :param args: Event info (re.findall() results) """ kwargs = dict() if event_type == ServerEvent.CHAT: if args[0] not in [p.nick for p in self.get_players()]: return kwargs = { 'nick': args[0], 'message': args[1], } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.CHAT, args, kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.ELIM: kwargs = { 'killer_nick': args[0], 'killer_weapon': args[1], 'victim_nick': args[2], 'victim_weapon': args[3], 'suicide': args[4], } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.ELIM, args, kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.RESPAWN: kwargs = { 'team': args[0], 'nick': args[1], } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.RESPAWN, args, kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.ENTRANCE: kwargs = { 'nick': args[0], 'build': args[1], 'addr': args[2], } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.ENTRANCE, args, kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.FLAG_CAPTURED: kwargs = { 'team': args[0], 'nick': args[1], 'flag': args[2], } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.FLAG_CAPTURED, args, kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.ELIM_TEAMS_FLAG: kwargs = { 'team': args[0], 'nick': args[1], 'points': int(args[2]), } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.ELIM_TEAMS_FLAG, args, kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.ROUND_STARTED: kwargs = dict() self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.ROUND_STARTED, args, kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.TEAM_SWITCHED: new_args = tuple([arg for arg in args if arg]) kwargs = { 'nick': new_args[0], 'old_team': new_args[1] if len(new_args) > 2 else 'Observer', 'new_team': new_args[2] if len(new_args) > 2 else new_args[1] } if kwargs['new_team'] == 'observing': kwargs['new_team'] = 'Observer' kwargs['old_team'] = None self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.TEAM_SWITCHED, new_args, kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.GAME_END: kwargs = { 'score_blue': None, 'score_red': None, 'score_purple': None, 'score_yellow': None, } teams = args.split(',') for t in teams: data = t.split(':') if data[0] == 'Blue': kwargs['score_blue'] = data[1] elif data[0] == 'Red': kwargs['score_red'] = data[1] elif data[0] == 'Yellow': kwargs['score_yellow'] = data[1] elif data[0] == 'Purple': kwargs['score_purple'] = data[1] self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.GAME_END, (kwargs['score_blue'], kwargs['score_red'], kwargs['score_yellow'], kwargs['score_purple']), kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.MAPCHANGE: kwargs = { 'mapname': args } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.MAPCHANGE, (kwargs['mapname'],), kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.NAMECHANGE: kwargs = { 'old_nick': args[0], 'new_nick': args[1] } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.NAMECHANGE, (kwargs['old_nick'], kwargs['new_nick']), kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.DISCONNECT: kwargs = { 'nick': args } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.DISCONNECT, (kwargs['nick'],), kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.FLAG_GRAB: kwargs = { 'nick': args[0], 'flag': args[1], } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.FLAG_GRAB, (kwargs['nick'], kwargs['flag']), kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.FLAG_DROP: kwargs = { 'nick': args } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.FLAG_GRAB, (kwargs['nick'],), kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.ROUND_END: kwargs = dict() self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.ROUND_END, args, kwargs) elif event_type == ServerEvent.GAMEMODE: kwargs = { 'gamemode': args } self.__perform_listeners(ServerEvent.GAMEMODE, args, kwargs) asyncio.ensure_future(self.get_event_handler(event_type)(**kwargs))
[docs] def get_event_handler(self, event_type): return getattr(self, self.handlers[event_type])
@asyncio.coroutine def __parse_line(self, line): """ Tries to match line with all event regexps. :param line: Line from logs """ for r in REGEXPS: results = r.findall(line) e = REGEXPS[r] for res in results: if e == ServerEvent.CHAT: # For security reasons if self.nicks_valid(res[0]): yield from self.__handle_event(event_type=e, args=res) return else: continue yield from self.__handle_event(event_type=e, args=res)
[docs] def rcon(self, command, socket_timeout=3): """ Execute a console command using RCON. :param command: Command :param socket_timeout: Timeout for the UDP socket. :return: Response from server :rtype: str :example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> from dplib.server import Server >>> s = Server(hostname='', port=27910, logfile=r'qconsole27910.log', rcon_password='hello') >>> s.rcon('sv listuserip') 'ÿÿÿÿprint\\n mRokita []\\nadmin is listing IP for mRokita []\\n' """ sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) sock.connect((self.__hostname, self.__port)) sock.settimeout(socket_timeout) sock.send(bytes('\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFrcon {} {}\n'.format(self.__rcon_password, command).encode('latin-1'))) ret = sock.recv(2048).decode('latin-1') return ret
[docs] def status(self): """ Execute status query. :return: Status string :rtype: str """ sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) sock.connect((self.__hostname, self.__port)) sock.settimeout(3) sock.send(b'\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFstatus\n') return sock.recv(2048).decode('latin-1')
[docs] def new_map(self, map_name, gamemode=None): """ Changes the map using sv newmap <mapname> <gamemode> :param map_name: map name, without .bsp :param gamemode: Game mode :type gamemode: GameMode :return: Rcon response :raises MapNotFoundError: When map is not found on the server :rtype: str """ command = 'sv newmap {map}' if gamemode: command += ' {gamemode}' res = self.rcon(command.format(map=map_name, gamemode=gamemode)) if 'Cannot find mapfile' in res or 'usage' in res: raise MapNotFoundError return res
[docs] def permaban(self, ip=None): """ Bans IP address or range of adresses and saves ban list to disk. :param ip: IP address to ban :return: Rcon response :rtype: str """ if ip: resp = self.rcon('addip %s' % ip) resp += '\n' + self.rcon('writeban') return resp else: raise TypeError('IP address is required.')
[docs] def remove_permaban(self, ip=None): """ Removes ban on IP address and saves ban list to disk. :param ip: IP address to unban :return: Rcon response :rtype: str """ if ip: resp = self.rcon('removeip %s' % ip) resp += '\n' + self.rcon('writeban') return resp else: raise TypeError('IP address is required.')
[docs] def tempoban(self, id=None, nick=None, duration=3): """ Temporarily bans a player with specified id using rcon :param id: Player's id :param nick: Player's nick :param duration: Ban duration in minutes (defaults to 3) :return: Rcon response :rtype: str """ if type(duration) != int: raise TypeError('Ban duration should be an integer, not a ' + str(type(duration))) if nick: id = self.get_ingame_info(nick).id if id: return self.rcon('tban %s %s' % (id, str(duration))) else: raise TypeError('Player id or nick is required.')
[docs] def remove_tempobans(self): """ Removes all temporary bans :return: Rcon response :rtype: str """ return self.rcon("removetbans")
[docs] def kick(self, id=None, nick=None): """ Kicks a player with id using rcon. :param id: Player's id :param nick: Player's nick :return: Rcon response :rtype: str """ if nick: id = self.get_ingame_info(nick).id if id: return self.rcon('kick %s' % id) else: raise TypeError('Player id or nick is required.')
[docs] def say(self, message): """ Say a message :param message: Text, can contain {C} - color char {U} - underline char {I} italic. Remember to escape user input using :func:`dplib.parse.escape_braces`. :rtype: str :return: Rcon response :example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> from dplib.server import Server >>> s = Server(hostname='', port=27910, logfile=r'qconsole27910.log', rcon_password='hello') >>> s.say('{C}ARed text') >>> s.say('{U}Underline{U}') >>> s.say('{I}Italic{I}') :ingame result: .. image:: ..\..\doc\images\say_test.png """ return self.rcon('say "%s"' % render_text(message))
[docs] def cprint(self, message): """ Cprints a message. :param message: Text, can contain {C} - color char {U} - underline char {I} italic. Remember to escape user input using :func:`dplib.parse.escape_brac :return: Rcon response :rtype: str """ return self.rcon('sv cprint "%s"' % render_text(message))
[docs] def set_cvar(self, var, value): """ Set a server cvar :param var: cvar name :param value: value to set :return: Rcon response :rtype: str """ return self.rcon('set %s "%s"' % (var, value))
[docs] def get_cvar(self, var): """ Gets cvar value :param var: Variable name :type var: str :return: Cvar value :rtype: str """ res = self.rcon('"%s"' % var) if re.match('^....print\\\nUnknown command \\"%s"\\.\\\n' % re.escape(var), res): raise NameError('Cvar "%s" does not exist' % var) return re.findall('^....print\\\n\\"%s\\" is \\"(.*?)\\"\\\n' % re.escape(var), res)[0]
@staticmethod def __get_predicate(margs, check): """ Returns a comparator. :param margs: Args to check :param check: Check function :return: Returns a function that compiles the check function and comparision strings """ def predicate(*args): if len(args) != len(margs): raise TypeError('predicate() takes %d positional arguments but %d were given' % (len(margs), len(args))) result = True for i, a in enumerate(margs): if a: result = result and a == args[i] if callable(check): result = result and check(*args) return result return predicate
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_entrance(self, timeout=None, nick=None, build=None, addr=None, check=None): """ Waits for entrance. :param timeout: Time to wait for entrance event, if exceeded, returns None. :param nick: Player's nick. :param build: Player's build. :param addr: Player's address (IP:PORT) :return: """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = (nick, build, addr) predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.ENTRANCE].append((predicate, future)) try: data = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: data = None return data
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_respawn(self, timeout=None, team=None, nick=None, check=None): """ Waits for respawn event. :param timeout: Time to wait for respawn event, if exceeded, returns None. :param team: Player's team. :param nick: Player's nick. :param check: Check function, ignored if none. :return: Returns message info dict keys: ('team', 'nick'). :rtype: dict """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = (team, nick) predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.RESPAWN].append((predicate, future)) try: data = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: data = None return data
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_elim_teams_flag(self, timeout=None, team=None, nick=None, points=None, check=None): """ Waits for elim teams flag event. :param timeout: Time to wait for event, if exceeded, returns None. :param team: Player's team. :param nick: Player's nick. :param points: Points scored. :type points: int :param check: Check function, ignored if none. :return: Returns message info dict keys: ('team', 'nick', 'points'). :rtype: dict """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = (team, nick, points) predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.ELIM_TEAMS_FLAG].append((predicate, future)) try: data = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: data = None return data
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_team_switched(self, timeout=None, nick=None, old_team=None, new_team=None, check=None): """ Waits for team switch event. :param timeout: Time to wait for event, if exceeded, returns None. :param old_team: Player's old team. :param new_team: Player's new team. :param nick: Player's nick. :param check: Check function, ignored if none. :return: Returns message info dict keys: ('nick', 'old_team', 'new_nick'). :rtype: dict """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = (nick, old_team, new_team) predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.TEAM_SWITCHED].append((predicate, future)) try: data = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: data = None return data
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_round_started(self, timeout=None, check=None): """ Waits for round start. :param timeout: Time to wait for event, if exceeded, returns None. :param check: Check function, ignored if none. :return: Returns an empty dict. :rtype: dict """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = tuple() predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.ROUND_STARTED].append((predicate, future)) try: data = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: data = None return data
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_flag_captured(self, timeout=None, team=None, nick=None, flag=None, check=None): """ Waits for flag capture. :param timeout: Time to wait for event, if exceeded, returns None. :param team: Player's team. :param nick: Player's nick. :param flag: Captured flag. :param check: Check function, ignored if none. :return: Returns an empty dict. :rtype: dict """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = (team, nick, flag) predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.FLAG_CAPTURED].append((predicate, future)) try: data = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: data = None return data
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_game_end(self, timeout=None, score_blue=None, score_red=None, score_yellow=None, score_purple=None, check=None): """ Waits for game end. :param timeout: Time to wait for event, if exceeded, returns None. :param score_blue: Blue score :param score_red: Red score. :param score_yellow: Yellow score. :param score_purple: Purple score. :param check: Check function, ignored if none. :return: Returns an empty dict. :rtype: dict """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = (score_blue, score_red, score_yellow, score_purple) predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.GAME_END].append((predicate, future)) try: data = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: data = None return data
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_elim(self, timeout=None, killer_nick=None, killer_weapon=None, victim_nick=None, victim_weapon=None, check=None): """ Waits for elimination event. :param timeout: Time to wait for elimination event, if exceeded, returns None. :param killer_nick: Killer's nick to match, ignored if None. :param killer_weapon: Killer's weapon to match, ignored if None. :param victim_nick: Victim's nick to match, ignored if None. :param victim_weapon: Victim's weapon to match, ignored if None. :param check: Check function, ignored if None. :return: Returns message info dict keys: ('killer_nick', 'killer_weapon', 'victim_nick', 'victim_weapon') :rtype: dict """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = (killer_nick, killer_weapon, victim_nick, victim_weapon) predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.ELIM].append((predicate, future)) try: elim_info = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: elim_info = None return elim_info
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_mapchange(self, timeout=None, mapname=None, check=None): """ Waits for mapchange. :param timeout: Time to wait for elimination event, if exceeded, returns None. :param mapname: Killer's nick to match, ignored if None. :param check: Check function, ignored if None. :return: Returns message info dict keys: ('killer_nick', 'killer_weapon', 'victim_nick', 'victim_weapon') :rtype: dict """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = (mapname,) predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.MAPCHANGE].append((predicate, future)) try: mapchange_info = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: mapchange_info = None return mapchange_info
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_namechange(self, timeout=None, old_nick=None, new_nick=None, check=None): """ Waits for mapchange. :param timeout: Time to wait for elimination event, if exceeded, returns None. :param mapname: Killer's nick to match, ignored if None. :param check: Check function, ignored if None. :return: Returns message info dict keys: ('killer_nick', 'killer_weapon', 'victim_nick', 'victim_weapon') :rtype: dict """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = (old_nick, new_nick) predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.NAMECHANGE].append((predicate, future)) try: mapchange_info = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: mapchange_info = None return mapchange_info
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_message(self, timeout=None, nick=None, message=None, check=None): """ Waits for a message. :param timeout: Time to wait for message, if exceeded, returns None. :param nick: Player's nick to match, ignored if None :type nick: str :param message: Message text to match, ignored if None :type message: str :param check: Check function, ignored if None :return: Returns message info dict keys: ('nick', 'message') :rtype: dict :example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: @s.event def on_chat(nick, message): if message == '!start' and not elim_active: msg = yield from s.wait_for_message(check=lambda n, m: m.startswith('!hi ')) s.say('Hi ' + msg['message'].split('!hi ')[1] + '!') """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = (nick, message) predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.CHAT].append((predicate, future)) try: message = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: message = None return message
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_for_flag_drop(self, timeout=None, nick=None, check=None): """ Waits for flag drop. :param timeout: Time to wait for event, if exceeded, returns None. :param nick: Player's nick. :param flag: dropped flag. :param check: Check function, ignored if none. :return: Returns an empty dict. :rtype: dict """ future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) margs = (nick) predicate = self.__get_predicate(margs, check) self.__listeners[ServerEvent.FLAG_DROP].append((predicate, future)) try: data = yield from asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: data = None return data
[docs] def start(self, scan_old=False, realtime=True, debug=False): """ Main loop. :param scan_old: Scan present logfile data :type scan_old: bool :param realtime: Wait for incoming logfile data :type realtime: bool """ if not (self.__logfile_name or self.__pty_master): raise AttributeError("Logfile name or a Popen process is required.") self.__alive = True if self.__logfile_name: self.__log_file = open(self.__logfile_name, 'rb') if self.__log_file and scan_old: self.__log_file.readlines() buf = '' if realtime: while self.__alive: try: buf += self._read_log() lines = buf.splitlines(True) line = '' for line in lines: if debug: print("[DPLib] %s" % line.strip()) yield from self.__parse_line(line) if not line or line[-1] != '\n': buf = line else: buf = '' yield from asyncio.sleep(0.05) except OSError as e: raise e if self.__log_file: self.__log_file.close() if self.__pty_master: os.close(self.__pty_master)
def _read_log(self): if self.__log_file: return self.__log_file.readline().decode('latin-1') elif self.__pty_master: r, w, x =[self.__pty_master], [], [], 0.01) if r: return, 1024).decode('latin-1') else: return ''
[docs] def get_players(self): """ Gets playerlist. :return: List of :class:`.Player` instances :rtype: list """ response = self.rcon('sv players') response = re.findall('(\d+) \\(?(.*?)\\)?\\] \\* (?:OP \d+, )?(.+) \\((b\d+)\\)', response) players = list() for p_data in response: player = Player(nick=p_data[2], id=p_data[0], dplogin=p_data[1], build=p_data[3], server=self) players.append(player) return players
[docs] def get_simple_playerlist(self): """ Get a list of player names :return: List of nicks :rtype: list """ status = self.get_status() players = status['players'] playerlist = [] for p in players: playerlist.append(p['name']) return playerlist
[docs] def get_status(self): """ Gets server status :example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> s = Server(hostname='', port=27910, logfile=r'C:\Games\Paintball2\pball\qconsole27910.log', rcon_password='hello') >>> s.get_status() {'players': [{'score': '0', 'ping': '13', 'name': 'mRokita'}], 'sv_certificated': '1', 'mapname': 'beta/wobluda_fix', 'TimeLeft': '20:00', '_scores': 'Red:0 Blue:0 ', 'gamename': 'Digital Paint Paintball 2 v1.930(186)', 'gameversion': 'DPPB2 v1.930(186)', 'sv_login': '1', 'needpass': '0', 'gamedate': 'Aug 10 2015', 'protocol': '34', 'version': '2.00 x86 Aug 10 2015 Win32 RELEASE (41)', 'hostname': 'asdfgh', 'elim': 'airtime', 'fraglimit': '50', 'timelimit': '20', 'gamedir': 'pball', 'game': 'pball', 'maxclients': '8'} :return: status dict :rtype: dict """ dictionary = {} players = [] response = self.status().split('\n')[1:] variables = response[0] players_str = (response[1:]) for i in players_str: if not i: continue temp_dict = {} cleaned_name = decode_ingame_text(i) separated = cleaned_name.split(' ') temp_dict['score'] = separated[0] temp_dict['ping'] = separated[1] temp_dict['name'] = cleaned_name.split("%s %s " % (separated[0], separated[1]))[1][1:-1] players.append(temp_dict) dictionary['players'] = players variables = variables.split('\\')[1:] for i in range(0, len(variables), 2): dictionary[variables[i]] = variables[i + 1] return dictionary
[docs] def get_ingame_info(self, nick): """ Get ingame info about a player with nickname :param nick: Nick :return: An instance of :class:`.Player` """ players = self.get_players() for p in players: if p.nick == nick: return p return None
[docs] def make_secure(self, timeout=10): """ This function fixes some compatibility and security issues on DP server side - Adds "mapchange" to sv_blockednames - Sets sl_logging to 1 All variables are set using the rcon protocol, use this function if you want to wait for the server to start. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds """ sl_logging_set = False sv_blockednames_set = False self.__is_secure = False start_time = time() while not (sl_logging_set and sv_blockednames_set) and time() - start_time < timeout: try: if not sl_logging_set: sl_logging = self.get_cvar('sl_logging') if sl_logging != '1': self.set_cvar('sl_logging', '1') else: sl_logging_set = True if not sv_blockednames_set: blockednames = self.get_cvar('sv_blockednames') if not 'maploaded' in blockednames: self.set_cvar('sv_blockednames', ','.join([blockednames, 'maploaded'])) else: sv_blockednames_set = True except ConnectionError or timeout: pass if not (sl_logging_set and sv_blockednames_set): raise SecurityCheckError( "Configuring the DP server failed," " check if the server is running " "and the rcon_password is correct.") else: self.__is_secure = True
[docs] def run(self, scan_old=False, realtime=True, debug=False, make_secure=True): """ Runs the main loop using asyncio. :param scan_old: Scan present logfile data :type scan_old: bool :param realtime: Wait for incoming logfile data :type realtime: bool """ if make_secure and not self.__rcon_password: raise AttributeError( "Setting the rcon_password is required to secure DPLib." " You have to either set a rcon_password or add set" " \"sl_logging 1; set sv_blockednames mapname\" " "to your DP server config and use with" " make_secure=False") if make_secure: self.make_secure() self.loop.run_until_complete(self.start(scan_old, realtime, debug))